Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the wonder food= weight loss, anti-aging and prevents disease

I am a huge fan of the olive, especially the Kalamata. I love the taste but there are many more exciting benefits to olives than just the flavor. Here are some of the miraculous benefits:

1. Weight Loss: Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat. Studies have shown that people who eat monounsaturated fat eat less. The "British Journal of Nutrition" published a 2003 Australian study of eight overweight men who lost a significant amount of body weight when on a diet high in monounsaturated fat as opposed to a diet they had been on that was high in saturated fat. In "Diabetes Care" a Spanish study published in 2007, they found that a diet rich in monounsaturated fat discouraged distribution of fat at the belly as compared to diets high in other fats like saturated. 

2. Beauty and Anti-Aging: The oil is not only good for cooking but women have been using it for years in the Mediterranean on their skin as an anti-aging moisturizer. The olive oil can protect the skin from free radicals and is high in vitamin E which is a great skin enhancer. You can also add olive oil to your lips for a shiny lip gloss. Sophia Loren claims olive oil as her beauty secret. 

3. Overall Health: Olives are full of vitamins and antioxidants such as Vitamin B1,2,3,5,6, E, K and beta carotene. All of these vitamins do great things for the body; they combat stress, create energy, enhance the skin and smooth wrinkles, fight free radicals, prevent cancer, strengthen eyesight, and bring overall health and wellness.

4. Herbal Remedy: Olives leaf can be made into a potent herb for healing. Olive leaf extract is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It was the first medicinal use of herbs recorded in the bible. God sent an olive leaf to Noah by a dove after the rain. 

If you don't like the taste of olives, try olive oil but get this amazing fruit (yes it's a fruit) in your diet!

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