Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


There is a movement in the health world today called Raw Foods. People who are a part of this movement believe that there are many health benefits to eating food raw as opposed to cooked. Raw foodists eat mostly plant and nut based foods, but there is steak tartare or raw fish like sashimi that can be a part of their diet depending on how strict a person is. Many celebrities explain that raw foods is the reason for their youthful and slim appearance. Here are some of the basic beliefs:

1. That heating food above 105 degrees destroys enzymes that aid in digestion, such as amylases, proteases, and lipases.
2. That raw foods have good bacteria that the gut needs to have a healthy flora and that it is killed off when cooked past 105 degrees.
3. Raw foods have a higher nutrient value than cooked or processed foods.
4. That raw foods help promote weight loss, healthy glowing skin and great vitality.

So, I decided I am upping my raw foods to 75% of each meal for the next 21 days starting yesterday to see if I feel that big difference. I'm sorry I'm not quite ready for the 100% raw foods yet or EV-ER. For lunch I had a huge green salad with raw vegetables, 1/2 a pear, 1/2 a plum and 4 oz. ground beef patty and yes it's cooked, see the pic above. I am going to explore a ton of recipes with my Matthew Kenny, Oklahoma City's own chef of 105degrees , book "Entertaining in the Raw" so I can eat more than just salad. I'll let you know how it goes.

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