Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

Number 6 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestlyle and weight

6. Get out of Denial (It's not just a river in Egypt). To transition to a healthy lifestyle, you are going to have to come clean with your real health. There's a couple of steps to take to get out of denial and into reality.

A. Know your numbers: It's important to be aware of how healthy your body is, the following are some basic numbers to be aware of.

1. Blood Pressure: According to WebMD,: Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body. High blood pressure, called hypertension, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood to the body and it contributes to the hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis and the development of heart failure.
Me: It's important to know this number because you can lower blood pressure either by medicine or simple lifestyle changes.

2. BMI: Your BMI stands for Body Mass Index.  It is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.

  • Underweight= below 18.5
  • Normal Weight= 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight= 25-29.9
  • Obesity= 30 or over

You need to get in the normal weight zone, if you are not, talk with your health practitioner about getting healthy especially if you fall in the obese section. Obesity is dangerous and can lead to Type II Diabetes and makes a person more susceptible to other degenerative diseases.
Check out this website to find your BMI . 

3. Blood Sugar: Your blood sugar number represents the level of glucose in your blood. This number can fluctuate so it's important to take this number when you wake and before breakfast which is called a fasting blood sugar (FBS) number. If the number is out of range then this could indicate a medical condition such as Diabetes. If you suspect that you are a candidate for this be sure and talk to your doctor about checking your blood sugar level.

4. Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, &Triglycerides
    A. LDL is the bad cholesterol. When too much LDL circulates in the blood, it can build up plaque in  the inner walls of the arteries. This can lead to hardening of the arteries and that can lead to possible stoke or heart attack. That is why you want to have a low LDL.

    B.  HDL is the good cholesterol. High levels of HDL seem to protect against heart disease. Some experts believe that HDL carries the LDL away from the arteries and to the liver where it is passed through the body.

    C. Having a high triglyceride, a type of fat, in your blood can increase the chance of getting heart disease. If you regularly eat more calories then you burn, especailly easier calories like simple carbohydrates you can end up with high triglycerides.

    Check with your doctor about your numbers. The important thing is healthy lifestyle changes can improve test results but is important to know what your cholesterol numbers are.

    5. Real Age. You know what age you are but your body probably thinks you are a different age. To find out what age your body thinks you are try the Real Age website and take the test. Again lifestyle changes can bring down the age your body thinks it is even lower than your chronological age.

    B. Food & Exercise Journal:
    This is a great discipline to really see where you are at in your health. The first time I did this I was shocked to see how many calories I really was eating in a day. The scary part is how quickly calories are consumed especially if you are a grazer or a snacker. Take a challenge for one week to write down everything you eat and how much you work out. You can then times that number by four and get a feel of how healthy you are during the month. If it will help you be more disciplined, do it as as online blog or email it to a friend who is also tyring to get healthy too.

    C. Support Group or Weight Program:
    This is really imperative to getting healthy. You need accountability. I need accountability. It's one of the main reasons I do this blog. If I am writing about health, I better be living it.

    There are several different ways to get accountability. You can have a family member or friend jump into health with you. Sometimes it is going to take more support however. If you feel you are eating uncontrollably or have a food addiction you are going to need to get some professional help and also check out some free support groups.

    Here's a few symptoms of a food addict.
    • Obsessed with food
    • Eats when stressed 
    • Overeats because food is there
    • Thinks about meals all day
    • Feels guilty when they overeat
    • Hides food or eats alone
    • Starves oneself and binges
    A lot of people use food to replace loneliness, boredom, and unfulfillment. Because of trauma from abuse, abandonment and betrayal people will also bury their emotions with food. 

    Here are some ideas on how to get the help you need:

    Work, church, or group of friends join forces: Get a running group on Saturday mornings, do a weight loss contest in the workplace, or start a weight loss boot camp at your church. Make it fun and competitive and see some results. 

    Over-eaters Anonymous/Celebrate Recovery: Both are open 12 step programs that handle food addictions. It is a great place to go anonymously and meet other people who struggle with food issues, as well as get a sponsor, someone who is there to see you through your struggles.

    Weight loss programs like"Weight Watchers": The best thing about programs like these are the support groups involved. You know you have to weigh yourself and it's being recorded, so you are more likely not to eat those extra calories. You will see the same people going through the same thing week to week, and will be able to vent your frustrations. The support is essential to those plans' success rate.

    Doctor or therapist: You need to determine how healthy you are. If your numbers are really off the charts then you should check into working with a doctor or seeing a therapist to get the help you need to get back on track to health.

    The important thing to do is to do something immediately. You can talk yourself out of anything that would be good for you and isolation truly is your enemy. Get real with yourself and ensure longevity to the best of your ability.

    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    Number 5 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestlyle and weight

    5. Stress way less. Easier said then done, I know. This is a big problem in the United States and growing around the world. We are all built with this Flight or Fight instinct. It is great and essential when you are about to be eaten by an angry mama bear. Your body surveys the situation and you start running with tremendous speed and endurance because your adrenal glands are kicked in high gear and you have cortisol running through your body. 

    Fight or Flight is, again, great to avoid that bear, but not so much when you are dealing with a temperamental boss, lazy employees, a computer that doesn't work or your kids being unruly. That's when you don't need your body going into fight or flight. Having a ton of hormones racing through your body for hours on end does not serve you well. That's when patience and some stress less tips would come in handy. 

    You will face stress but you can do somethings about it.  Here are 5 ways to manage your stress.

    1. Reduce Stress: I know that seems impossible but it's not. Stress comes in many ways, some you have no control over and some you've pretty much created yourself. You can't help the uncontrollable crisis, inflation, and other people's conflict driven lives, but take a look at some things you could do to reduce stress.
    a. Manage Money: Finances can be a huge drain and tremendous stress on people's lives. One of the main reasons that some marriages end in divorce are over money issues. So take control of your finances. Again easier said then done but at minimum begin to learn about how to manage your money. Get an emergency fund. Dave Ramsey who is the my favorite money guru says to have at least $1000.00 in your account for emergencies even before you start paying off your debt. Make out a budget and put the money you've appointed in marked envelopes so you don't over spend each month. I try to buy a gas card at the beginning of the month so I don't ever run out of gas money.  Check out Dave Ramsey because he excels in finance which is not my forte. I believe in "shopping therapy" as a legitimate form of therapy, but I have adopted many Dave principles in my life and they serve me well.

    b. Boundaries. This one literally saved my life. I am not over exaggerating. There was a time in my life that I allowed people to manipulate me and take advantage of me all the time. I have actually worked so hard at having firm boundaries that I can go to the other extreme and tell people no for really no apparent reason. No was such a hard word for me. I took some advice from a wise woman in my life and I practiced in the mirror. I actually practiced saying 'NO'. It is very liberating. Give it a try. When you over commit, enable an addict or endure a manipulative person you will have a lot of stress in your life. Try out the word "no"and see how it feels. Here's a few sentences to practice with.
    "No I can't come out I have plans tonight but have fun", "No I don't want to see you anymore, I've moved on, goodbye", "No, I can't add anything this season right now but I know someone who's great at that" Now, some of you don't have enough stress, so if you never volunteer, hang out with friends or try something new, you need to practice the word "yes".

    c. Get a planner. I know that it seems like a lot of work but it's not. It's so important to get everything out of your head and on paper or entered electronically. I heard that Albert Einstein didn't even know his own home address because he wouldn't waste information like that in his brain. I hope he had it written down somewhere though. Anyway the point is, if you manage your time, you are going to put an end to a lot of needless stress like missing appointments, being late for meetings and wasting a lot of time you could be spending with friends and family or serving a cause that you are passionate about.

    d. Resolve Conflict. I used to be a person who would run from conflict as fast as my legs would carry me. I've come to learn the hard way that unresolved conflict is a stress nightmare. Just remember that whenever you go into conflict, think how this situation can be resolved. If you think "conflict resolution" then you are a lot more likely to see good results than a blood bath. Also, try not to take things too personally. Give people a human moment and look for the best. You are only allowed to not forgive if you are completely perfect. (btw, you're not).

    2. Learn to Laugh: There's a proverb that says, "Laughter is as good medicine". When you laugh the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine are reduced. Also, laughing increases the happy hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. When these happy hormones are increased your immune system rises countering the effects of the stress in your body. When you have a great belly laugh it's like you are getting a work out from the inside. The best thing about laughter is, it brings perspective. It probably isn't really a mama bear that is chasing you. Laughing can remind you this stress is not the end of the world. Here's a few tricks to get you laughing
    a. funny movie or TV show: Stand up comedians are really good to watch
    b. funny book or magazine
    c. laughing yoga (not making that one up)
    d. spend some time with a funny friend, and see your spirits lighten

    3. Relax Stupid: I am talking to me not you. Sometimes I have to remind myself to lighten up. I heard somebody say once, "If I've talked myself into being this stressed out then I can talk myself down too." There are a few tricks to do if you find yourself really stressed out.
    a. Get out of a situation by saying you need to go to the restroom or you need to take a call. That's that old flight syndrome kicking in but better to get a few moments alone to gather your thoughts than kick into the fight syndrome.
    b. Breathing exercises really help. It's proven scientifically when you take deep breaths that your body emits relaxation hormones. When you breathe be sure to hold your breath for a few seconds in between breaths. Focus on your breathing. This will help a lot.
    c. Get to the spa. A massage can do wonders for relaxation especially if you hold tension in your body.
    d. Count to ten. It works. You just aren't as mad by the time you get to ten. Do it in your head though or people will worry about you.
    e. Soak in the tub. Soaking in hot water really is therapeutic. This is a great way to relax, gather your thoughts and pamper yourself.
    f. Come back to Earth. The biggest stress you face is the one in your head. Stop making mountains out of mole hills. There are people around the world who are living in dire situations, without food and clean drinking water, desperate just to feed their children. You are probably going to be just fine. So act like it. People who smile when they don't feel like it, eventually find themselves happy because when you  smile, your body thinks everything is all right and you will begin releasing those happy hormones. There is truth to the old "fake it 'till you make it" saying.

    4. Supplements: There are great supplements on the market to help with relaxation. Here's a few:
    A. 5HTP, you know that happy feeling you get after you've eaten all that turkey on Thanksgiving. Well it's because a hormone has been released form the turkey called Hydroxytryptophan and it makes you happy and sleepy. It's great to take at night.
    B. Complex Bs. B vitamins are SO important to fight stress in your body. If you are in any kind of stressful season of your life, school, work crisis, family problems get B in your body. It is essential in your body's ability to handle and manage stress.
    C. L Theanine. L Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. The Japanese have long used L Theanine in their culture. It has been given to students before tests to help them relax and focus.
    D. Magnesium. Stress depletes Magnesium. Magnesium does various things for the body including reduce inner stress and restore inner balance. There are great magnesium drinks that I have tried before that are great relaxers.
    E. Essential Oils. Essential oils are absolutely wonderful in combating stress. Here are a few oils that I recommend and use myself:
    Grapefruit extract oil: This scent is very uplifting and will promote a very joyful mood
    Peppermint oil: This scent provides relief from stress, anxiety and depression. It is very refreshing and promotes a sense of well being. It is also very stimulating and great for energy.
    Lavender: this is also great for eliminating stress. It is very relaxing and clears away mental stress helping to promote mental clarity. I will put drops of lavender oil in my bath or on my pillow at night to help with relaxation. It does the job quite well.

    5. Exercise. When I find myself getting stressed out the first thing I do is go for a walk. Going for a walk is probably the best way to reduce stress and create a good sense of well being. Walking gives you time to think, smell the roses, and again raises those happy hormones in your body. In a study in 1999, the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that people who walked and did other easy to moderate exercise in their routines had lower stress levels in their lives than to those who didn't. Get out there and move when you begin to feel those stress hormones starting to shoot through your body. Your body will think you are escaping that mama bear and will begin to relax.

    6. Prayer. Have you heard the story about the guy climbing in the mountains. The weather began to turn and clouds started to settle around him and he couldn't see. He ended up missing a step. He started to slip off the mountain and grabbed a limb. He was hanging form this limb for awhile and no one was answering his screams. He decided what the heck, maybe he would pray to God for help. He yelled, "Is there anyone up there? I need some help." He heard a peaceful voice say, Let Go. He thought about it and yelled "Is there anybody else up there."

    Letting go and trusting God is generally the complete opposite of what our natural minds want to do. The reality is that there are too many variables in life to be able to control them all. I have found when I let go and trust God, I find immediate peace. 12 step programs have a great saying "Let go, Let God". It's short and catchy and sometimes it's just what I need to remind myself not to freak out by whatever is going on. By the way, the guy in that story was only 2 feet from a sturdy ledge, he just couldn't see it.

    Chronic stress is truly dangerous to the body. Here are some of the effects that long term stress can lead to:

    • Depression
    • Diabetes
    • Heart Disease
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Obesity
    • Mental Disorders
    • Ulcers

    Learn how to stress less and this will bring about a healthier lifestyle and weight in your life

    Sunday, June 20, 2010

    Kumquats: The Clown Prince of Citrus

    Taking a break on the top ten list for today, Here's a guest blog by my mom, Margaret and her favorite healthy treat. 

    What are kumquats?  A very tiny citrus fruit that packs an incredible wallop.  The skins are sweet as can be, and their pulp is as sour – more sour – than your average lemon. 

    I had seen kumquats at the market, and I had read about them in books.  I remember reading a short story called “The Kumquat Summer”; and I’m embarrassed to say I never realized the allegory or that the kumquat’s very essence is an amazing metaphor.  Though it is more sour/sweet than bitter/sweet.

    I finally tried them when I went to a wine tasting with my friend Susan at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art last spring (spring is definitely the Kumquat Season).  The wines were nice and the hors d’oeuvres  tasty, but the hit of the evening for Susan and me, and I think for others, were the kumquats. 

    I like to eat my kumquats whole (they are after all about the size of an olive) but they can be sliced lengthwise (rather elegant, the museum did this) or into rounds – some of them have little seeds, which can be removed beforehand if you slice them.  They are also wonderful in sweet preserves and chutney, great candied (if you are not watching your sugar) and versatile in fish, salads, and other dishes.  For fabulous recipes check out Susan Russo on NPR, here is her URL:  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18828304; or check back here when I report on my Flounder .with Kumquat Citrus Butter (Susan Russo’s recipe, but she uses Tilapia.)

    Botanists disagree on whether or not kumquats are actually members of the citrus family; some think they should be classified in their own genus, fortunella.  Whatever, they are healthy, low calorie, full of Vitamin C; and yes, addictive.  I’m going to be in trouble when Kumquat season is over.

    Friday, June 18, 2010

    Number 4 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestlyle and weight

    Number 4 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight.

    4. Supplement yourself. I am a believer in supplements. Of course in a perfect world, a person should be able to get all their vitamins and minerals in the local foods they eat. The reality is we don't live in that world.

    Most people in the western world aren't eating enough real food in order for their bodies to maintain health. Even people who eat mostly real foods need to realize that a lot of the soil that is used today for agriculture doesn't have the minerals that it used to. Crops are grown over and over again on the same land, and that practice can lead to soil depletion. This soil depletion can lead up to 75% drop in trace minerals. Our bodies also are faced with a ton of toxins everyday from products we use on our  hair, nails, teeth, body and face. Unfortunately our bodies are under toxic assault daily and we just don't get the vitamins, nutrients and minerals that we need. Supplementation is an alternative to meeting those dietary needs.

    There are a few things to remember about supplements:

    1. Don't over supplement: If you are taking a good high powered multi-vitamin then you probably don't need to take a bunch of other things except for one or more specific supplements for your health. You can overdose on supplements depending on what you're taking, especially vitamins A, D and K.

    2. There is little government oversight in the producing and selling of dietary supplements. So you need to be careful and do your research when choosing them. I suggest going to your local health food store and finding out which brands the supplement specialist prefers. Also there are a number of wellness doctors out there who have brands on the market like Dr. Mercola , Dr. Colbert and Jordin Rubin that you can choose from. The important thing is to do your homework and find out who is producing the best quality supplements.

    3. Supplements can interact with your medicines.  Check with a health care provider first if this is a concern.

    Here are some supplements that I really like.

    Multi-vitamins: When I first started taking a multi-vitamin I noticed my cravings for sweets and snacks went down. There are some good ones out there. Bigger is better in this circumstance. The one I take looks like a horse pill.

    Vitamin D: Vitamin D is really important for the body. Here's a few health benefits that studies are showing that it does:

    Boosts the immune system, protects from influenza, prevents cancer, reduces the risks of heart disease, elevates mood, increases longevity and fights stress.

    Turmeric: It is a wonder herb. Turmeric is the active ingredient in curry and gives mustard it's yellow color. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. The turmeric in curry has long been believed to be the reason why India has such low Alzheimer's rates.

    Turmeric now comes in supplement form and here are some of the other believed health benefits:
    prevents prostate and breast cancer, natural liver detoxer, slows the progression of Alzheimers, aids in fat metabolism and weight loss, and promotes skin health.

    Fish Oil: Fish oils are full of Omega 3's which are essential to good health. Our bodies cannot produce Omega 3's, we have to get them through our diet. Unfortunately the American diet tends to be full of Omega 6's and not Omega 3's. Taking fish oil is one way to combat that problem.

    Here are some benefits to fish oil: Reduces the risks of heart disease, aids in weight loss, fights depression, improves circulation, boosts immune system, fights inflammation, helps fight ADHD, promotes healthy skin, and is great for pregnant mothers because fish oil helps to develop healthy eyes and brains in babies.

    There are a tons of other supplements on the market. The important thing is to do your research, consult your health practitioner and form your own conclusion on supplements.

    Wednesday, June 16, 2010

    Number 3 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestlyle and weight

    Number 3 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight.

    3. Get Real. I mean get real about eating whole foods. Also get real about what processed foods are doing to your health and body. Our bodies are designed to eat food and I do mean food. That seems obvious except for the fact that we don't do it. I am not referring to what Michael Pollan , the modern day food hero and activist, would say "tasty food-like substances". Those over-processed "food-like substances" are lacking in any nutrients, vitamins and minerals that maintain a healthy body or weight. Yeah, I know you love the taste of processed food but let's just get real about what processed foods do to your body.

    A. Obesity: The World Health Organization is blaming processed foods for the rise of obesity and degenerative diseases around the globe.

    B. Heart Disease: Processed foods are generally high in trans fats which lead to Heart Disease. This fat is dangerous. It raises your LDL Cholesterol (you want that number low) and lowers your HDL (you want that number high). Get trans fats out of your diet.

    C. Stroke: Processed foods are literally full of salt. Too much salt is linked to high blood pressure. The general recommendation for salt intake is around 6 grams but the average intake is 9 to 10 grams of salt. When you reduce or cut out processed food in your diet, you are reducing a large amount of your salt intake and your chances of developing high blood pressure which can lead to a stroke.

    D. Diabetes: Processed food is often full of High Fructose Corn Syrup and other hidden refined sugars. Diets full of these refined sugars are leading contributors to Type II Diabetes. The complications of this disease can be devastating and fatal. Type II Diabetes can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle full of healthy real foods and exercise.

    E. Cancer: A seven year study by the University of Hawaii showed that people who ate processed meats like hot dogs were 56% more likely to get pancreatic cancer. Another similar Canadian study in men found that these men were more likely to get prostate cancer. A study in Mexico showed women who got more of their food from refined carbohydrates were 57% more like to get breast cancer. The great news here is consuming foods high in antioxidants, like green tea, fruits and vegetables, can reduce the risk of  cancer.

    F. Other Issues: Processed foods can have an immediate effect on your body as well. Some of those can be bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, lethargy, poor sleep, acne, and many more.

    Here are some of the enemies of your health that are in processed foods that lead to many of these health problems:

    • High fructose corn syrup
    • Other refined sugars
    • Acrylamide (carcinogen found in fried food)
    • Nitrates
    • MSG
    • Large quantities of salt
    • Food colorings and dyes
    • Trans Fat
    • Mystery Ingredients (who knows what that stuff is or what is does to your body)
    Here are some benefits to consistently consuming real whole foods in your life. The real foods I mean are those you still can recognize where it came from like fruits, vegetables, baked chicken and fish, yogurt, honey, nuts, whole grains and legumes.
    • Weight Loss
    • Glowing Clear Skin
    • Antioxidants that prevent disease
    • Longevity
    • A feeling of wellness
    • Energy
    • Brain Clarity
    • Good Sleep
    • Vitality
    • Strong Memory
    • Self Confidence
    • Fitting into your clothes
    • Good Balance
    • Physical Strength
    • Producing more at work
    • Improved Mood
    • A grateful digestive system
    • Improved eyesight
    • Stronger nails
    • Healthy Hair
    So take a moment when you go to prepare for your next meal or pick that item off the menu at the restaurant and think:  what can I eat that is really food? 

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010

    Number 2 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestlyle and weight

    Number 2 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight.

    2. Get Moving! We are designed to be moving all the time. It is so important that we set time each day to dedicate to exercise. For centuries people walked up to 10 miles a day, worked in fields, and spent their lives constantly in motion. It's only in the last century that people began to move less and now the United States is in a health crisis with soaring obesity and diabetes rates. Exercise is not only good for our physical bodies but it is imperative to our emotional well being as well. In 1999 Duke University did a study and proved that exercise was just as effective as anti-depressants at treating depression. Exercise is fundamental to our physical and mental health. If you are not exercising then you are not living your life at full potential. You are just existing. Here are some different types of exercise and their health benefits.

    A. Cardio: I happen to love to run. I put in my IPOD and run on the treadmill or outside if the weather is nice and I love every second of it. Of course that wasn't how I started out. I remember the first time I decided I wanted to be a runner and I went out for a walk. I jogged for 30 seconds, fell to the ground and seriously contemplated vomiting. I however did not give up. My dad who was a runner for 20 years just kept telling me, run until you can't and then walk till you get your breath and run again. So several years later I actually can run and I adore it. There are tons of different types of cardio such as walking, aerobics, swimming, zumba, jogging and lots of others. Find one you like.

    Here's some benefits of Cardio
    • Weight loss
    • Exercises the heart
    • Reduced stress
    • More energy
    • Better sleep
    • Improved flexibility
    • Improved balance
    • Look and feel much better

    B. Strength Training:
    Adults lose 5% of muscle every ten years. Muscle speeds up your metabolism, so if you find it's not as easy to lose weight as it once was, you're not imagining it. It is actually a real fact. You have to burn an extra couple hundred of calories than you did ten years before. However, you can beat this problem if you can get back your muscle by weight and resistance training. 

    Here are some benefits of Strength Training
    • Speeds up your metabolism
    • Tones your muscles
    • Strengthens your bones
    • Decreases your resting blood pressure
    • Improves balance
    • Improves mood
    • energizes you
    You have to find what you enjoy and then stick with it. Change your mindset about working out to lose weight or fit into an outfit. You are working out because that is just a part of your life and that's who you are and what you do. I actually said often "I am a runner and I love to run" before I ever was or did.

    Also, try to get in those extra steps. Park further away from the store when you shop. Take the dog for a couple of walks a day. Enroll for a dance class. Make that time happen in your schedule to exercise. Invest in yourself and see the benefits come through in every other area of your life.

    Monday, June 14, 2010

    Number 1 out of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight

     Number 1 out of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight.

    1. Upgrade what you drink: We drink liquids all day long and these drinks can add a ton of sugar, calories and dairy to our diet. Or we can choose to drink something that speeds up our metabolism, provides us with antioxidants and helps our skin look younger.

    Change the way you think about giving up your drink. Instead look at it as a bonus, an upgrade to something better. Now you are drinking something that is refreshing and that will make you feel great, look thinner and younger.

    However, be aware, the reality is that you will likely go through withdrawals when you give up soda and lattes for at least the first three days but the empty calories are not worth it in the long run.

    Most sodas contain two of the worst enemies of your health which are high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. A new study at Princeton University showed that rats who had access to high fructose syrup gained weight, belly fat and higher triglycerides significantly over those who had access to table sugar. High Fructose Corn Syrup was introduced into American culture in 1970 and since then our obesity rates have sky rocketed. I avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.  Moreover drinking diet soda is not beneficial for your weight and health either according to a study at the University of Texas Health Science Center, which showed showed people who drank diet soda put on more weight than people who drank the regular soda.  So if we eliminate drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners what is there left to drink? Plenty, look at the options below.

    a.  Izzes are a great substitute for soda. an Izze soda is made with 100% natural juice and carbonated water and they taste delicious. You can also try making your own juice spritzer with apple, orange, pomegranate, or blueberry juice and soda water. Throw in a little lemon and it's a very refreshing drink.

    b. Tea is a great drink full of antioxidants. I wasn't a big tea person but I have learned to love it and rarely put anything in it. Black and green tea are full of antioxidants and are great for speeding up your metabolism, keeping you healthy from degenerative diseases and helping you look younger. White tea is even better than black and green tea with less caffeine. However you lose most of the benefits when you add sugar and sugar substitute. Try Stevia in your ice teas and honey in your hot teas if you haven't been able to develop the taste for it yet. I also add coconut or almond milk to my hot tea. Very yummy.

    c. Water. Yes, I went there. Come on guys, adults are around 55% to 60% water. Water speeds up the metabolism, detoxifies the body, hydrates our skin, protects our organs, and a host of other amazing things. Drinking lots of good water is essential to great health, losing weight and glowing skin. Be careful with drinking a lot of bottled water. If possible use a stainless steel water bottle. Plastic water bottles have been shown to carry BPA's (bisphenol A) which leads to cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. So, drink water out of a glass or a stainless steel water bottle when you can. Add some organic lemon to help alkaline the body. I try to drink 8-10 glasses a day.

    d. Natural sodas like Jones. You can find these in health food stores and they are made with cane sugar. Cane sugar is still sugar but it's a million times better for you than High Fructose Corn Syrup or Artificial sweeteners.

    e.  Teeccino is an herbal coffee which is very tasty and naturally caffeine and acidity free. Regular coffee in moderation is a healthier choice than soda as long as you leave out all the sugar, sugar substitutes and dairy. I generally will drink half a cup of coffee with a little coconut milk every day.

    The more you drink healthy drinks, the more you will crave them. With anything you invest in, you will begin to enjoy more. You will find great benefits if you upgrade what you drink.

    Thursday, June 10, 2010

    Healthy and Tasty High Protein and Fiber Dish

    Here is a great recipe for a healthy, tasty, high protein, and high fiber dish. A great meal if you are trying to lose weight, because the fiber will make you feel full and the protein provides a ton on enzymes and nutrients your body needs. When your body gets what it needs nutritionally, cravings for bad food often come to an end. This is an easy recipe and the main ingredient is black beans which is cost effective as well. Bon Appetit!

    This dish is Mexican Black Beans and Brown Rice (Chicken is optional)

    Saute one medium onion, chopped, with 1 or 2 cloves garlic, chopped
    Add to pan 1 cup chopped fresh tomatoes
    salt and pepper to taste, add a little spice of your choosing - oregano, thyme, rosemary are all good.
    Add to pan 1 can black beans or pinto beans
    Meanwhile,  you have made your brown rice according to your recipe.
    And meanwhile, in another pan saute 1 pound chicken breast, deboned and skinless, in smallish pieces.
    Reserve part of the beans and rice for vegetarians, and add the chicken to the other portion.
    Serve with a little salsa if desired.

    Wednesday, June 9, 2010

    Cool Greens Rocks

    I know I talked about Cool Greens before but I have to say I love this restaurant more than any other in OKC. For lunch today I had the "Build Your Own" salad and the seasonal soup. The soup today was the Mango Gazpacho, so delicious. Cool Greens also has wraps, pizzas and frozen yogurt with wonderful fruit toppings. They now have two locations. one in Nichols Hills in the Avondale Shopping Plaza, and one off of North May Avenue. Get out there and try the menu. Don't be surprised when you try your Mango Gazpacho that it's cold. Gazpacho is a summer soup.

    Monday, June 7, 2010

    Orange Roughy aux Champignons et Fines Herbs

    Here is a delicious and very healthy fish recipe.

    Orange Roughy aux Champignons et Fines Herbs

    Orange Roughy, about 4 – 6 ounces per serving.
    (This recipe serves two)
    2 tsp Coconut Oil
    ½ oz butter
    Three mushrooms, washed and sliced and rubbed with Rosemary.
    Zest from one lemon
    Chives, oregano, and rosemary, minced
    Salt, sea salt if you have it
    Black Pepper, freshly ground if you have it
    Lemon slices

    Wash and pat dry the fish.  Put ½ the coconut oil in the bottom of a
    Broiler, and rub the rest of the oil into the fish on both sides.

    Mix the lemon zest, herbs and salt together, rub onto both sides
    of the fish.

    Broil on one side, about 5 minutes.  Turn the Roughy over and
    return to broiler.

    After one minute add the butter to the broiler pan and then add the mushroom.

    In about two or three minutes the dish will be ready to remove and place on a platter.
    Sprinkle paprika on the fish and the lemon slices.
    Pour the mushrooms on top, add black pepper to all, and garnish with the lemon.

    Friday, June 4, 2010

    Free Health Seminar with Raw Foods Chef Mandy!

    Mandilyn Canistelle is my favorite Raw Foods chef. Tomorrow, June 5th, she will be holding a free health seminar and promoting her new book " The Raw Food Feast: 7 Days Through the Rainbow".

    Chef Mandy and friends will feature three informative and health promoting topics to be shared during the book release. Chef Mandy believes in living simple with organic foods, therapeutic-grade essential oils and healthy water to function the way God intended for life.

    There are two sessions during the day on Saturday at:
    312 Coltrane,
    Edmond, OK 73003


    9:00-9:30 Registration
    9:30-10:00 Coconut Parfait Demo
    10:00-11:30 Intro to Oils, Raindrop Application, Healthy Water
    11:30-`12:00 Vegetable Soup Demo

    1:00-1:30 Registration
    1:30-2:00 Chocolate Sauce Demo
    2:00-3:30 Intro to Oils, Raindrop Application, Healthy Water
    3:30-4:00 Raw Ice Cream Social

    I am going to attend for sure (probably the one with the raw ice cream) to learn all I can on how to be as healthy as possible. Hope to see you there!


    Thursday, June 3, 2010

    7 tips on how to stay on your diet while eating out

    7 Tips on How to Stay on your Diet While Eating Out

    1. Pick or choose grilled protein with salad. Most restaurants have something that is grilled and the sides can be replaced with a garden salad. Avoid all fried food, bread products, pasta, or sugary desserts when eating out at major chain restaurants.

    2. Ask for dressing on the side for your salad. Most commercial restaurants wreck your diet or calorie intake. Often the dressings are full of High Fructose Corn Syrup and other sugars that will spike your insulin and leave you craving carbohydrates for the rest of the day.  Having your dressing on the side will reduce the portion that you use and you don't have to use the entire thing. Ranch surprisingly enough though high in fat is the lowest dressing in sugar. I actually use olive oil and vinegar for my salads at home. if out I will try and order just plain vinegar for my salads, losing all the calories and fat.

    3. Savor your first few bites. Nothing is going to taste as good as the first few bites, so slow down. Enjoy them and put your fork down between bites. The goal is to eat slowly enough for your stomach to realize you are getting food so it will tell your brain that you are full.

    4. Leave food on the plate no matter what. Even if it's just a bite of everything but practice this self control technique. I know you've heard to clean your plate but that's just a crazy statement to make in a country that is two thirds overweight. Don't clean your plate. Reduce the amount of food you eat.

    5. Take home enough food for another meal.  Order a "to go" box half way through your meal and put half of your meal in the box even while you're still eating. This will make it easier to reduce your portions.

    6. Order an after meal coffee or tea drink. If your dinner companions order dessert and you feel uncomfortable getting nothing, then order a coffee or hot tea unless of course the restaurant has a fruit plate which in unlikely. Coffee and tea can be zero calories if they are consumed in their pure state. If you need to doctor them up than milk is better then cream and stevia is better than sugar. Honey is always a good substitute for sugar because of the minerals and nutrients in the honey. Local honey is best but not always available.

    7. Treat and tip your server well. Waiting tables is a difficult job and people's livelihood is in the tip you leave behind. Show generosity and kindness and generosity and kindness will come back to you. If you are wondering how this will effect your weight: people who like themselves don't sabotage their own weight loss plans. When you treat others well, you will in turn treat yourself well and more than likely to stick to a plan that will bring your huge health benefits in life.

    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    Number 1 Diet Mistake by Dr. Oz

    I was at the gym watching Dr. Oz while on the treadmill. He was discussing the number 1 diet mistake and I can tell you that I've been guilty of this one a lot in the past. The number 1 diet mistake according to Dr. Oz is not eating enough while on your diet. Here are some of the problems with not eating enough and some tips to improve the results of your weight loss program:

    1. Dr. Oz: When you don't eat enough, your metabolism slows and your body senses deprivation and starts an emergency storage of the calories you do consume.  
    Me: When my body is getting all the nutrients that it needs, cravings go and I don't feel hungry. So I've found eating enough is beneficial to weight loss.
    2. Dr. Oz: Your metabolic rate can be lowered by 40% by not eating breakfast.
    Me: I went for years without eating breakfast and I can tell you that I also battled my weight constantly during that time. Since I've adopted eating a big breakfast I find I am not as hungry during the day and losing weight is a lot easier.
    3. Dr. Oz: Eat every 3-4 hours: healthy whole foods, lean meats and fruits and vegetables
    Me:  I eat 3 meals a day starting with a big breakfast and my meals get smaller during the day. If I find I'm hungry I will eat a healthy snack.
    4. Dr. Oz: Snack through out the day on fruits, nuts and yogurt.
    Me: That is exactly what I snack on.

    So "Bon Appetit" as the french would say but be sure you are eating real, nutritious foods. Check out Dr. Oz's info on Diet Mistake #1 .