Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Number 5 of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestlyle and weight

5. Stress way less. Easier said then done, I know. This is a big problem in the United States and growing around the world. We are all built with this Flight or Fight instinct. It is great and essential when you are about to be eaten by an angry mama bear. Your body surveys the situation and you start running with tremendous speed and endurance because your adrenal glands are kicked in high gear and you have cortisol running through your body. 

Fight or Flight is, again, great to avoid that bear, but not so much when you are dealing with a temperamental boss, lazy employees, a computer that doesn't work or your kids being unruly. That's when you don't need your body going into fight or flight. Having a ton of hormones racing through your body for hours on end does not serve you well. That's when patience and some stress less tips would come in handy. 

You will face stress but you can do somethings about it.  Here are 5 ways to manage your stress.

1. Reduce Stress: I know that seems impossible but it's not. Stress comes in many ways, some you have no control over and some you've pretty much created yourself. You can't help the uncontrollable crisis, inflation, and other people's conflict driven lives, but take a look at some things you could do to reduce stress.
a. Manage Money: Finances can be a huge drain and tremendous stress on people's lives. One of the main reasons that some marriages end in divorce are over money issues. So take control of your finances. Again easier said then done but at minimum begin to learn about how to manage your money. Get an emergency fund. Dave Ramsey who is the my favorite money guru says to have at least $1000.00 in your account for emergencies even before you start paying off your debt. Make out a budget and put the money you've appointed in marked envelopes so you don't over spend each month. I try to buy a gas card at the beginning of the month so I don't ever run out of gas money.  Check out Dave Ramsey because he excels in finance which is not my forte. I believe in "shopping therapy" as a legitimate form of therapy, but I have adopted many Dave principles in my life and they serve me well.

b. Boundaries. This one literally saved my life. I am not over exaggerating. There was a time in my life that I allowed people to manipulate me and take advantage of me all the time. I have actually worked so hard at having firm boundaries that I can go to the other extreme and tell people no for really no apparent reason. No was such a hard word for me. I took some advice from a wise woman in my life and I practiced in the mirror. I actually practiced saying 'NO'. It is very liberating. Give it a try. When you over commit, enable an addict or endure a manipulative person you will have a lot of stress in your life. Try out the word "no"and see how it feels. Here's a few sentences to practice with.
"No I can't come out I have plans tonight but have fun", "No I don't want to see you anymore, I've moved on, goodbye", "No, I can't add anything this season right now but I know someone who's great at that" Now, some of you don't have enough stress, so if you never volunteer, hang out with friends or try something new, you need to practice the word "yes".

c. Get a planner. I know that it seems like a lot of work but it's not. It's so important to get everything out of your head and on paper or entered electronically. I heard that Albert Einstein didn't even know his own home address because he wouldn't waste information like that in his brain. I hope he had it written down somewhere though. Anyway the point is, if you manage your time, you are going to put an end to a lot of needless stress like missing appointments, being late for meetings and wasting a lot of time you could be spending with friends and family or serving a cause that you are passionate about.

d. Resolve Conflict. I used to be a person who would run from conflict as fast as my legs would carry me. I've come to learn the hard way that unresolved conflict is a stress nightmare. Just remember that whenever you go into conflict, think how this situation can be resolved. If you think "conflict resolution" then you are a lot more likely to see good results than a blood bath. Also, try not to take things too personally. Give people a human moment and look for the best. You are only allowed to not forgive if you are completely perfect. (btw, you're not).

2. Learn to Laugh: There's a proverb that says, "Laughter is as good medicine". When you laugh the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine are reduced. Also, laughing increases the happy hormones such as endorphins and serotonin. When these happy hormones are increased your immune system rises countering the effects of the stress in your body. When you have a great belly laugh it's like you are getting a work out from the inside. The best thing about laughter is, it brings perspective. It probably isn't really a mama bear that is chasing you. Laughing can remind you this stress is not the end of the world. Here's a few tricks to get you laughing
a. funny movie or TV show: Stand up comedians are really good to watch
b. funny book or magazine
c. laughing yoga (not making that one up)
d. spend some time with a funny friend, and see your spirits lighten

3. Relax Stupid: I am talking to me not you. Sometimes I have to remind myself to lighten up. I heard somebody say once, "If I've talked myself into being this stressed out then I can talk myself down too." There are a few tricks to do if you find yourself really stressed out.
a. Get out of a situation by saying you need to go to the restroom or you need to take a call. That's that old flight syndrome kicking in but better to get a few moments alone to gather your thoughts than kick into the fight syndrome.
b. Breathing exercises really help. It's proven scientifically when you take deep breaths that your body emits relaxation hormones. When you breathe be sure to hold your breath for a few seconds in between breaths. Focus on your breathing. This will help a lot.
c. Get to the spa. A massage can do wonders for relaxation especially if you hold tension in your body.
d. Count to ten. It works. You just aren't as mad by the time you get to ten. Do it in your head though or people will worry about you.
e. Soak in the tub. Soaking in hot water really is therapeutic. This is a great way to relax, gather your thoughts and pamper yourself.
f. Come back to Earth. The biggest stress you face is the one in your head. Stop making mountains out of mole hills. There are people around the world who are living in dire situations, without food and clean drinking water, desperate just to feed their children. You are probably going to be just fine. So act like it. People who smile when they don't feel like it, eventually find themselves happy because when you  smile, your body thinks everything is all right and you will begin releasing those happy hormones. There is truth to the old "fake it 'till you make it" saying.

4. Supplements: There are great supplements on the market to help with relaxation. Here's a few:
A. 5HTP, you know that happy feeling you get after you've eaten all that turkey on Thanksgiving. Well it's because a hormone has been released form the turkey called Hydroxytryptophan and it makes you happy and sleepy. It's great to take at night.
B. Complex Bs. B vitamins are SO important to fight stress in your body. If you are in any kind of stressful season of your life, school, work crisis, family problems get B in your body. It is essential in your body's ability to handle and manage stress.
C. L Theanine. L Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. The Japanese have long used L Theanine in their culture. It has been given to students before tests to help them relax and focus.
D. Magnesium. Stress depletes Magnesium. Magnesium does various things for the body including reduce inner stress and restore inner balance. There are great magnesium drinks that I have tried before that are great relaxers.
E. Essential Oils. Essential oils are absolutely wonderful in combating stress. Here are a few oils that I recommend and use myself:
Grapefruit extract oil: This scent is very uplifting and will promote a very joyful mood
Peppermint oil: This scent provides relief from stress, anxiety and depression. It is very refreshing and promotes a sense of well being. It is also very stimulating and great for energy.
Lavender: this is also great for eliminating stress. It is very relaxing and clears away mental stress helping to promote mental clarity. I will put drops of lavender oil in my bath or on my pillow at night to help with relaxation. It does the job quite well.

5. Exercise. When I find myself getting stressed out the first thing I do is go for a walk. Going for a walk is probably the best way to reduce stress and create a good sense of well being. Walking gives you time to think, smell the roses, and again raises those happy hormones in your body. In a study in 1999, the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that people who walked and did other easy to moderate exercise in their routines had lower stress levels in their lives than to those who didn't. Get out there and move when you begin to feel those stress hormones starting to shoot through your body. Your body will think you are escaping that mama bear and will begin to relax.

6. Prayer. Have you heard the story about the guy climbing in the mountains. The weather began to turn and clouds started to settle around him and he couldn't see. He ended up missing a step. He started to slip off the mountain and grabbed a limb. He was hanging form this limb for awhile and no one was answering his screams. He decided what the heck, maybe he would pray to God for help. He yelled, "Is there anyone up there? I need some help." He heard a peaceful voice say, Let Go. He thought about it and yelled "Is there anybody else up there."

Letting go and trusting God is generally the complete opposite of what our natural minds want to do. The reality is that there are too many variables in life to be able to control them all. I have found when I let go and trust God, I find immediate peace. 12 step programs have a great saying "Let go, Let God". It's short and catchy and sometimes it's just what I need to remind myself not to freak out by whatever is going on. By the way, the guy in that story was only 2 feet from a sturdy ledge, he just couldn't see it.

Chronic stress is truly dangerous to the body. Here are some of the effects that long term stress can lead to:

  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Obesity
  • Mental Disorders
  • Ulcers

Learn how to stress less and this will bring about a healthier lifestyle and weight in your life

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