Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Number 3 out of 4 thoughts on a healthy spiritual heart

In the last blog we talked about the second of four thoughts on how to have a healthy spiritual heart. I've blogged a lot on having a healthy physical and emotional heart, but having a healthy spiritual heart is just as important. I write from my faith and my own paradigm.

King Solomon of Israel, one of the wisest men to walk the earth, said in the Book of Proverbs, 
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is a well spring of life" or in another version says, "for out of it spring the issues of life". So if the most important thing to one of the wisest men ever is to guard your heart, then it's time to listen. Thankfully he then proceeds to write four lines of instruction. 

"Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil." 

Let's look at the third one: "Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm."

3. Navigate Life's Journey Well.

One way we can guard our heart is to avoid making foolish decisions that will lead to miserable outcomes. Living a life full of drama and stress is a great recipe for an unguarded heart full of anxiety, sorrow, unforgiveness and hurt. You can protect your heart by avoiding foolish reckless decisions that lead you to unsteady roads full of crooked paths and sinking quicksand. 

Here are a few thoughts on navigating life's journey well:
A. Chart the Course: When you are traveling along on the journey of life, take a moment and reflect on where you are heading. You may have never taken the time to really decide the direction your life is going. The reality is many a person has capsized, shipwrecked or been lost at sea because they lost sight of where they were headed or really never took the time to chart the course or check the weather conditions. 

Steven Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, talks a lot about "begin with the end in mind". He goes on to ask what do you want read at your funeral? How many lives do you want affected by your life? Do you want people mourning for you because of the amazing impact you made on their life and the world or perhaps instead someone dancing in a red dress on your grave. The choice is really yours and it starts today. 

People work their whole lives for a paycheck and then what? They look back on a life of hard work, even raising a family but what contribution did it make to the world and what did it matter in scope of eternity. It's at this point they wonder what their purpose was and still is. 

Everyone has a purpose and it's up to you to figure it out, of course I suggest you pursue the discovery with prayer. There are tell tale signs of a person's purpose. Finding out what you love to do, what makes you angry and what you are really good at are three ways in helping you determine your purpose. For example, I love to help people, I get angry when someone takes advantage of a vulnerable people and I am good at influencing others and anything creative. So this tells me that I can use my creativity, like writing, to help people who are in need and influence others to do the same. Someone once said "if you can do for a living what you love to do then you'll never work a day in your life."

Figuring out your purpose will help you know where you're going and if you know now where you are going then you will begin now to make decisions that lead you to your destination. You might need to change degrees, reach to do an internship or relocate to follow your dreams. Whatever it is, the dream in your heart will steer you towards your destination. 

B. Use Wisdom as Your Compass: The main thing that you need to guide you is your compass. Your compass will keep you out of unmarked waters. Your compass (or GPS) for life's journey is Wisdom. Let Wisdom be your compass. 

There are two major schools in life that will teach you everything you need to know. The first is the school of wisdom and the second is the school of 'hard knocks'. I have attended both and have to say that gleaning from the school of wisdom is a much better way than learning through hard knocks or poor choices. Proverbs 19:18 says, "He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers."  

The school of wisdom is advice from people further along the journey. It would be foolish to ignore the advice of people who have already sailed in the same waters. Learn from others whose lives resemble the destination you want. If you want wisdom on how to keep a healthy marriage then talk to people who've been married for a long time. If you want to be a Supreme Court Justice then study the career paths of those who've become Justices. It's a no brainer. Find the people who have success in areas you want to pursue and learn from them.  

Here are some very wise people that I look to regularly for wisdom:
Finances = Dave Ramsey 
Leadership =John Maxwell 
Emotional and Spiritual Health= Joyce Meyer 
Physical Health= Jordan Rubin,
Time Management= Steve Covey 
Leadership & Creativity= Michael Hyatt 

I know so many people who just want to be happy, married, rich, or famous but the reality is learning wisdom is the key to having prosperity in your life. Wisdom is so easily accessible. The Book of Proverbs in the bible is full of wisdom, the writers listed above have written tons of books on this subject, and there are pastors and leadership gurus who talk on personal growth and development all over the web and bookstores. Use wisdom as your compass and you will reach your destination.

C. develop healthy relationships with your crew mates: You may have chosen some of your crew mates already or they have been chosen for you but from this point forward take responsibility for your choice in future relationships and set the tone on the one's you have now. When you are sailing it is important that you partner with others who are up for the journey. They don't have to be skilled sailors but none the less they should be willing to learn and able to go the distance. Steven Covey once said "Our greatest joy and our greatest pain comes in our relationships with others." Let's learn to steward relationships well. 

The biggest thing that can devastate a relationship is unrealistic expectation. If we are constantly expecting a person in our lives to do something or behave a certain way and they are not then we will ultimately be disappointed. The best way to avoid this disappointment is developing excellent communication skills. Doing this can improve the condition of relationships and help to foster an open and safe atmosphere where intimacy can be bred. Stop building walls and start building bridges through communication.
Here's a couple ways to do that:

1. Begin to embrace honesty in communication. I'm not saying throw tactfulness or politeness out the window but strive for integrity in what you communicate and be sure to tell people what you want. No one is really a mind reader so stop expecting them to do what you want without telling them what you want.

2. Set Boundaries. You have to communicate what you are comfortable with and what you are not. Some things are not ok and it's good to express that. Also honor others boundaries. 

3. Eliminate manipulation and control from your language. Eliminate trying to control others to get your way. When you do, you'll discover you don't always know what's the best thing after all. When you try to control or manipulate others you will make them miserable and eventually lose out in the end. Also, don't allow yourself to be manipulated. I have found that if someone is trying to manipulate me, I will just call them out on it. "Are you trying to guilt me?" Sometimes people don't even know they are doing it. It's good to let them know you aren't controlled by manipulation. 

4. Forgive. Quit keeping score. Communicate forgiveness and receive forgiveness and you will see a freedom and health in your relationships that will bring about great joy. 

Go into relationships with the thought to give and not take. Be considerate, thoughtful, kind and most importantly express your love to people. I love this quote by Steven Levine, "If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?"
Navigate Life's Journeys well because you want to arrive at your desired destination with all your crew in tow. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Number 2 out of 4 thoughts on a healthy spiritual heart

In the last blog we talked about the first of four thoughts on how to have a healthy spiritual heart. I've blogged a lot on having a healthy physical and emotional heart, but having a healthy spiritual heart is just as important. I write from my faith and my own paradigm.

King Solomon of Israel, one of the wisest men to walk the earth, said in the book of proverbs, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is a well spring of life" or in another version says, "for out of it spring the issues of life". So if the most important thing to one of the wisest men ever is to guard your heart then it's time to listen. Thankfully he then proceeds to write four lines of instruction. 

"Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.

Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.

Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.

Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil." 

We are going to look at the second one: "Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you."

2. Focus Forward

If I were to get in my car and back out of the driveway, I would need to look in my rear view mirror. It comes in handy for a portion of the journey. However if I were to move out of reverse and put the car in drive and continue to use the rear view mirror for the rest of the journey, you know there would be some disastrous results. Changing lanes makes a great parallel to evaluating past decisions, a quick glance will do you. Evaluate quickly and make your move. You can't drive safely or get where you need to go by looking continually behind you. You look straight ahead to reach your destination. 

Here's are a few thoughts on how to focus on the journey ahead:

A. Stop looking at the past.
It is very easy to have a wounded heart if you focus on what's behind you. If your energy is completely centered around situations that hurt you or people who have let you down then not only will you live in that moment, you're going to miss great moments ahead as well. I'm not saying to ignore things in your past because clearly if you don't deal with those situations then they will have a hold of your future ones. Sometimes when we've been hurt or abused, instead of dealing with the situation we tend to put ourselves repeatedly back in the same scenario to see if it will work out the way we want it to this time. That  rarely happens. If you can evaluate the situation, deal with it and move on, then you are much less likely to get in that situation again, whether as the perpetrator or the victim.

B. Stop looking at other people and things.
Comparison and distractions will keep you from focusing on your journey. Let's get back to that driving metaphor. Say you're in a race and you're doing great. You are on track and making good time. What if you start to look at the people driving next to you. You can start to feel insecure that your car isn't good enough or arrogantly underestimate your competition. What if you get into focusing so much on the person next to you, you miss a turn, hit a car in front of you or you just get plain lost. To get on track spiritually, get your eyes off people, get them on God, so you will see clearly where to go. People will disappoint you, so focus on God.

C. Check your motives.
The biggest thing that looking around instead of focusing forward will do is effect your motives.  Motives are a big deal to God. You could have begun a homeless outreach out of the compassion of your heart ten years ago and now you are reaching hundreds of people. That's awesome if you are doing it for the right reason still. Yes people are being helped regardless, but unless you keep your heart pure, it won't last. If the motive begins to be about the pats on the back, the name recognition or the media attention, then you didn't guard your heart. Corruption will always make its way into an unguarded heart, because your ego is never satisfied. 

Say you want to make a billion dollars, then go for it. We need some more philanthropists in this hurting world, but be ready to give plenty of it away. The second that money begins to have a hold on you then you didn't guard your heart and corruption will come.  There's no health in a spiritual heart where corruption lies. That's why Jesus said "Pick up your cross, deny yourself and follow me."  Never should your ego or lust for physical comfort or material things rule your heart. The ego comes last for spiritual health to shine. 

The amazing thing about a healthy heart is how slight the tweak needs to be to get back on track. If you feel something has a hold over you then ask God for help and do the opposite of what you feel.  Just serve somebody without them knowing. Do something kind to someone who can't repay you. Give lavishly to a worthy project completely anonymously. These are great ways to get your motives right and regain your focus. What ever you choose to do in life, put a major emphasis on your motives and guard your heart so you can see great spiritual health emerge. 

D.  Know where you're going.
Figure out where you are going in every realm of life. If you make no plans for  your physical health then you could end up in a doctor's office with bad news or a hospital room with grieving loved ones. If you make no plans for your financial health then you could end up in debt, with poor credit and in constant crisis mode. If you have no idea where you're going spiritually than you could ultimately end up somewhere spiritually bankrupt. 

I set goals where I attend to go spiritually every year. For example I determine that I will pray and read scripture daily, attend regular church and worship service, set days aside for fasting, attend conferences on spiritual growth, read books on spiritual principles, follow my pastors' spiritual direction and reach out to hurting people with the love of Jesus. I am not perfect with all of this but I have goals and I try to reach them. There is a saying that 'goals that are not written down are just wishes'. If you want to know where you are going in any realm, set some specific goals.

E. Choose to move on. 

I know this one can be hard. When I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior fourteen years ago I was so relieved to feel the overwhelming love and forgiveness of God sweep over my heart. Once I felt that forgiveness I found it easier to forgive others. I still had a person or two I was just not ready to forgive and then a wise friend told me to look at unforgiveness like this:  you are taking a poison pill and waiting for the other person to die. I realized I wasn't perfect and needed forgiveness so how could I possibly hold something against another imperfect person. 

Unforgiveness really is a poison and it will kill you: kill your ability to give and receive love, kill the quality of your relationships, kill the opportunities in life.  If you hold unforgiveness in your heart you will hold bitterness too. Bitter people repel anything good that tries to come into their life. Choosing to be bitter is a mistake. You might thing that you have no choice but to be bitter because people hurt or abused you. Your choice is the one thing people can not take from you. 

Viktor Frankl, a Jewish therapist, neurosurgeon, Auschwitz survivor and philosopher wrote, "We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

What is done to us does not have to determine our decisions and choices. It often does but ultimately it doesn't have to. Choose to live a life free of unforgiveness, bitterness and rage. I don't expect someone to do it without God's help but I do think with that help it can radically revolutionize a persons whole life. There is nothing like experiencing freedom from unforgiveness. I know because in my heart there is peace where there was once chaos, there is joy where there was once misery, there is hope where there was once hopelessness and there is love where there was once hate. 

More on Viktor Franklhttp://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/frankl.html 

Monday, August 30, 2010

1 out of 4 thoughts on keeping a healthy spiritual heart!

I have blogged a lot about a healthy physical and emotional heart. The next several blogs are on having a healthy spiritual heart. I write from my own  paradigm for it is the only one I have, so I am writing from my faith and beliefs.
My mom was in the hospital in April because of a ventricular fibrillation, meaning her heart wasn't pumping out the blood like it was suppose to. They say 95% of people don't survive a V-fib and that most people die within the first 3 to 5 minutes. Thank God we were already in the hospital when it happened and I began to pray, 40 minutes later there was a heartbeat and a few days later she was off life support and 4 months later she's walking 2 miles everyday, no brain damage and living a great healthy inspiring life.
This incident is what really inspired me to start blogging on having a healthy core. I believe that we are so interwoven spiritually, physically and emotionally that each realm can affect the other's health. So I decided I wanted to have a core on every level that was healthy and strong.
I watched my mom so sick from a weakened physical heart and it broke my emotional heart. So later I thought about that experience and wondered what a sick spiritual heart looked like.
There are a lot of things that can get into our spiritual heart that can make it sick and cause decay and rot. Before I found Jesus I had a lot of unforgiveness, bitterness and self-loathing in my heart. When I found the Lord He removed all of those battle scars, hurts and disappointments. That was however thirteen years ago and life happens between now and then. I've had plenty of opportunities to become bitter again, hold unforgiveness and offenses.
There's a passage of scripture written by what scholars believe to be the wisest political ruler in history and that's King Solomon of Israel . During his reign Israel had its most success as a nation economically, diplomatically, and spiritually. He wrote a series of proverbs. They are thought to be written around 900 B.C. These parables were written for men preparing to become top national leaders so they may be instructed in wisdom.
Of all these proverbs, one of them stands out.  It says "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is a well spring of life" or in another version says, "for out of it springs the issues of life. This is the only time I can find that King Solomon said "above all else". When one of the wisest men to ever walk the planet says "above all else", it's time to listen.
So what I get from this is above everything else in life protect and guard your heart. It makes sense that we should guard our hearts physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our heart is the core of our being and all of life's issues are determined by it's health. If our physical heart is sick our life will be in chaos. If our emotional heart is broken our life will be in turmoil. If our spiritual heart is numb then our life will bear an aching unfulfillment. Thankfully there are four thoughts that follow this scripture. Let's discuss the first one.
"Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil."
1. Speak life and not death
a. Find the positive. 
It's so easy to get caught up in the negative. The reality is we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people and we could focus on that, the news stations do. There's a ton of things wrong with people but there is also a ton of things pretty right about people too. Having done some travel in developing nations I have found that I can appreciate some of the simple things in life like running water, electricity, the kindness of strangers, and clean drinking water. If you live in the U.S. or own a car, house or TV you are richer than 99% of the people of the world. There is nothing redeemable or justifiable in complaining about the trivial. It's too easy to focus on what we don't have and to overlook what we do have or what's wrong with people than what's right with people. Speaking about the positive will remind yourself of all the good in the world and will allow for the negative to not be the focus.
b. Speak life into your future and others.
If you say such things as "I'm no good at writing." or "I'll never do anything that matters.", then you never will be good at writing and you never will do anything that matters.  Start speaking positively to the possibilities of the future. When you begin to speak to your future, you will begin to see things change.
I just read a book called "Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide" by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl Duwunn. One of the stories was of a woman named Tererai from Zimbabwe. Tererai grew up in a small village where only the boys were allowed to be educated because of the limited resources and the thought that only boys could be breadwinners. Tererai's parents to allow her to go to school. They did for a while until they arranged for her to marry a man when she turned eleven. 
The husband turned out to be abusive and forbade her to educate herself anymore. Her life intersected with an organization called Heifer International, an aid organization that is based out of Arkansas that provides cows, goats, chickens, or other animals to farmers in poor countries. The president of Heifer International, Jo Luck, talked to Tererai and told her "that things didn't have to be the way they were". She encouraged her to write down her goals. Tererai was a married mid twenties woman living in Zimbabwe without a formal education but she took a chance and wrote down what she wanted which was an education. She wrote that one day she would go to the U.S., earn her bachelor's degree, masters and eventually her PhD. That was a big goal. She wrote it down and as the years passed she would cross off the goals she achieved. She began with correspondence classes and eventually got into Oklahoma State University where she earned her degree while working nights to support herself. She would go back home to visit her children and family and cross off her goal. She received her Masters while living in Arkansas working for Heifer International. She returned back home to her family and crossed off her second goal. She is now in Michigan with her children earning her PhD. 

No excuses: if Tererai can succeed in her goals then we all can. Write down your future and speak to it and with hard work and determination you too can cross off your goals as you see them come to pass. 

c. Remove gossip and slander from your life.
There was a wise philosopher who once said "if you can't say something nice about somebody, then don't say anything at all." Well maybe not a philosopher, it was actually Thumper's mother from the Disney movie "Bambi". There is such wisdom in that statement. When we speak negative things over people we are actually stealing: stealing reputations, friendships, and opportunities from people’s lives. The thought to justify such actions is: Well, they are a horrible person and they deserve it. Well, unless the person gossiping is perfect, which means they come from another planet, definitely not Earth, then they are just setting up the same situation to happen in their life because anyone can point out their faults just as easily. What goes around comes around or karma or reaping in sowing or whatever you want to call it, but the fact is you don't want someone stealing from your life through gossip and slander so don't do it to someone else.
Go with the second highest commandment or the "Golden Rule" which is "Do unto other's as you would have done unto you" or the Malika Cox version is "Treat others as you would like to be treated, baby, because what you do WILL come back to you magnified, whether it be good or bad. " This is always the best policy.
So speaking life and not death is the first step in guarding our heart spiritually.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Number 10 of 10 tips to transition to a healthy lifestyle and weight

10. It's a Marathon, not a Sprint. To transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight, approach getting healthy as you would train for a marathon, by incorporating principles into your life slowly that will ultimately produce long term health and endurance.

Here are some thoughts on the transition:

A. Don't Compare Yourself to Others:

I was at the gym the other day, running on the indoor track because it's way too hot in August to run outside. There were two other women and they were walking at a quick pace. I found myself running past them and I had the opportunity to feel cocky if I wanted to; but I happen to know that no matter where you are in life somebody is always further along than you, so don't compare yourself to someone else, compare your progress instead.

As if to confirm this thought, a young woman came on the track as the other two left. She started to run at full speed. She swept passed me while I was still in what quickly became obvious was a slow run. I could have become insecure about my pace but again I've come to a place where I refuse to compare myself with others. Instead I compared my progress to a year ago. Now my workouts are longer and much more intense than before; and I don't feel like I'm going to die at the end of them (ha ha), so I took pride in my own progress and refused  to compare. I did admittedly push the pace up a little on my run.

Comparisons doom you to failure. They breed jealous insecurity or prideful arrogance. There will always be somebody further along the journey or just beginning. For those who are further along I choose to be excited for them and glean what wisdom I can from them and for those who are just beginning I encourage and offer support.

B. Baby Steps:

The other thing I noticed that day is the young woman who was running on the track was actually doing sprints. So, she would run as fast as she could and then drop to a slow walking pace. She did this repeatedly. Sprinting is actually great for burning fat, increasing your metabolism and gaining muscle. However sprinting does not help you if you are trying to go for long distances. I noticed that even though the woman who was sprinting was zooming past me, ultimately she wasn't taking as much ground as I was at my slower pace.  She also left the track about 20 minutes after she had begun while I was on the track for about an hour. I'm sure she had different fitness goals, that's not the point. The point is when we decide to get healthier in our bodies, emotions and spirit, we need to think more like a marathon then a sprint.

Try thinking this is for life, not just until I get back in my skinny clothes, or you're doomed to repeat the yo-yo diet routine. This pattern consists of a realization that I need to get healthy, so I generally starve myself and go for a 5 mile run and then the next day after I wake up dizzy from hunger and sore head to toe, I give up and go back to my regular lifestyle routine of bad habits. Don't get me wrong, yo-yo dieting is way better than just continuing to gain weight. You always hear about how bad yo-yo dieting is for you, which it is, but if I hadn't yo-yoed in my weight in the past I would be at a dangerously unhealthy weight. There is however a better way. Renew the way you think about health and incorporate principles into your life that produce positive results long term. Over time you will see huge beneficial changes that will last a lifetime. Become a student of health, so that you can fully enjoy your life, relationships and ultimately finish this journey strong.

C. Choose to Commit: 

I've talked to people who tell me they just can't put the time in to work out or prepare healthy food, so then I ask them to add up the hours of TV they watch a week. This is always the moment of truth. How much is your health worth? Are you willing to sacrifice something to become healthier? The reality is there is a cost and at times it's painful but it's worth it. There are things in my life I am just devoted to. I am devoted to my faith, my family and loved ones and my health. It takes sacrifice in areas of my life to be devoted to all of these things. You will not see results in areas you're not devoted too.

Make the decision to do whatever you need to to become healthier right now no matter if you're battling  with sickness or you feel fine. Choose to invest in yourself, which may come off as selfish to some but it's the best gift you can give anybody.

Begin by Incorporating the Other 9 Tips:

1. Upgrade what you drink (take the empty calories, processed sugars and artificial sweeteners out of what you drink)
2. Get Moving (start exercising and make it fun)
3. Get Real (start eating real foods and eliminate processed foods)
4. Supplement yourself (supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and herbs)
5. Stress way less (learn to relax)
6. Get our of denial (find out your important numbers: BMI, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, etc.)
7. Make meals sacred (eat to live, don't live to eat)
8. Invest in relationships (relationships will determine your level of joy and health in your life)
9. Make new habits (exchange unhealthy habits for healthy ones)

Other thoughts to help in this quest for health: 

  • Try a personnel trainer if you can afford it or get a group of friends to meet up and walk after work. 
  • Check out Dr. Oz (Mehmet Oz, M.D). He is great. I love, love love him. Renew the way you think on health. He is an active cardiothoracic surgeon and also embraces alternative medicineshttp://www.doctoroz.com/ 
  • Check out Jordin Rubin, he is amazing. His diet, The Maker's Diet, helped cure him from Crohns disease which is considered incurable. I live pretty much on this diet and totally feel the difference from any other diet I've been on. It is completely livable and produces great health in your life.  http://www.jordanrubin.com/
  • Look into support groups such as Weight WatchersOvereaters AnonymousCelebrate Recovery and others. Support is so important to success in changing habits
Have faith that you can accomplish your goals and endure the process that takes you there because if you don't no one else will. Don't forget you are building a destiny. Build a great one. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Number 9 of 10 tips to transition to a healthy lifestyle and weight

1. Make New Habits. I've heard it takes 21 days to make a habit. I have found that getting rid of bad habits takes creating good ones. There is a really good quote by Henry Hancock that says "Out of our beliefs are born deeds, out of deeds we form habits, out of habits, we grow our character, and on our character we build our destiny." I thought that was profound. What type of destiny are you building with your habits?

Here are some healthy habits that you can exchange for unhealthy ones, that will prolong and increase the quality of your life as well as enhance your energy so you can accomplish all the dreams and desires of your heart.

  • Train yourself to enjoy real foods such as lean meats, dairy, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables (preferably organic when possible) and exchange it for the poor habits of eating processed foods and drinks. This will require shopping in the perimeters of the grocery store and avoiding fast food restaurants like the plague.
  • Get cardiovascular exercise and strength training in your schedule daily and exchange them for inactivity and excuses in your life of why you are not exercising.
  • Reduce the toxins in your life through changing the foods you eat, the products you use on your body and hair and the chemicals used in cleaning products and pesticides instead of blindly using products that may be full of degenerative disease causing poisons.
  • This one may require help: Develop the habit of being free from addictions; Exchange this for the habit of using substances such as tobacco, drugs, or excessive alcohol.
A few quick facts on what tobacco really does to the body.
  • The leading cause death in smokers is heart disease. Smoking is terrible for the heart. Cigarettes have over 4000 chemicals and 200 of those are poisonous.
  • Increases the chance of stroke
  • Loss of smell (makes a person smell bad too, I know, I used to smoke and I am appalled at how bad I smelled during that time and didn't know it).
  • You look like a Shar Pei Dog: serious premature wrinkles. 
  • Alters Brain Chemistry: Smokers are more likely to be diagnosed with depression.
  • Damages Thyroid: Your thyroid regulates your metabolism. When your metabolism is sluggish you will find it's much easier to put on weight and harder to take it off.
  • Stained Teeth
  • Cancer of the mouth, esophagus, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, cervix, throat, larynx and other. 
  • Pregnancy risks: miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, smaller infant, a nicotine addicted baby, premature baby and stillborns, baby prone to asthma.
  • A plethora of lung issues too long to go into here.

Exchange this habit by changing your core belief. If you believe you are a smoker you will struggle more than if you can see yourself as a non smoker.

I found my initial freedom from smoking through serious prayer and have sustained this freedom because I honestly consider myself a non-smoker. When I quit smoking cigarettes I started taking non smoking breaks where I would take deep breaths (which by the way has been scientifically proven to release relaxation hormones) suck on lollipops or chew gum. Call a tobacco cessation program or find a buddy who will quit with you. Do whatever it takes. You are looking at two drastically different destinies depending on which habit you choose.

  • Quick thought: 2 packs of cigarettes a day could cost around $10 bucks. In one year you could spend 3650 dollars on smoking, that's a killer vacation. In five years 2 packs could equal a down payment on a house. In ten years 2 packs could pay for college tuition for a child.

Substance abuse can effect the body this way:
  • Short Term: Headaches, Nausea, Body Aches, High Blood Pressure, Depressed Immune System, Poor Decision Making, More Prone to Violent Acts, More Chance of Arrest by Law Enforcement, Alcohol Poisoning, Drug overdose, Heart or Respiratory Failure.
  • Long Term: Heart Disease, Liver Disease, Throat Cancer, Upper Digestive Tract Cancer, Breast Cancer, Skin Caner, Lung Cancer, Liver Cancer, Weight Gain, Emotional Problems, Relational Problems, Social Problems, Sexual Impotence, and Memory Loss.
There are therapist, pastors, 12 step programs, Celebrate Recovery groups, detoxes and rehabs to help you exchange this habit. Maybe you think you don't have anyone who believes in you to change. That's not true. I believe in you and I'm not the only one. Make the wise decision to do something about life-sabotaging behavior and build a great destiny. 

This by speaker John Di Lemme sums it all up:

I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.
Half the things you do, you might just as well turn over to me,
and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed; you must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done, and after a few lessons I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of all great men.
And, alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with all the precision of a machine.
Plus, the intelligence of a man.
You may run me for profit, or run me for ruin; it makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me and I will put the world at your feet.
Be easy with me, and I will destroy you.
Who am I?

I am a HABIT!
