Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

5 Remedies for a Good Night Sleep

Well, I figured since my earlier post discussed Warwick’s University study that makes the connection between not enough sleep and premature death, I would give you some tips on getting a good night’s sleep. I am blessed in this area. I’ve fallen asleep in airports, class(sadly), pretty much anywhere, everywhere and anytime. I did go through a period of my life when I had insomnia and it was truly a horrible season of my life. I was prescribed sleeping pills that just made me more tired and groggy during the day. Here are some things I’ve learned that helped me get back to having a great sleep life:

1. Melatonin: Melatonin is naturally found in the body. It is a hormone that makes you sleepy. You can find it in the health food store. It’s not something you want to take every night but it’s great for a sleepless night or if you have jet lag. I took melatonin after I flew to Cambodia and it helped a lot. Check with your health practitioner before taking any supplement.

2. Go to bed with a notebook and pen: I remember nights where my mind would be racing and I couldn’t sleep and someone told me to try this trick. Bring a notebook and pen to bed so when something comes to your mind, you can write it down. This way you know that you will have it in the morning and you could stop thinking about it. It totally worked with me.

3. Valerian Tea: There have been many studies that show that Valerian root helps promotes peaceful sleep. I have had valerian tea before bed and found that it completely relaxed me and I fell right to sleep. Check your health food store to find Valerian tea.

4. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea has a calming effect. Studies of Chamomile have also shown that the herb has had an effect in fighting inflammation, colds, menstrual cramps and nervousness. TAZO carries Calm tea that is a blend of herbs including Chamomile. It tastes great too.

5. Aromatherapy: lavender is a wonderful essential oil that helps bring relaxation and sleepiness. Find real lavender and you can spray it on a pillow, drop it in the bath, rub it on the hands and inhale, to experience not only a wonderful scent but also your body relaxing into a deep sleep.

Sleep is clearly essential to good health. As Shakespeare said “We are such stuff, as dreams are made on, and our little life, Is rounded with a sleep.”
The Tempest

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