Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sweet smelling aroma and it's good for you!

Today I was at the gym running on the treadmill and watching Dr. Oz , two of my favorite things to do. He had an aromatherapist on who was talking about essential oils. He mentioned 3 oils to have in the house.

1. Manuka Oil: I've never heard of it before. Dr. Oz's guest said that it was great for cuts and scrapes & as a first aid remedy. Wow, just looking it up, it turns out that it's got other great purposes too. It aids in sunburn relief, and fights fungal infection, athlete's foot, oily skin and pimples, foot odor, insect bites and aching joints. I'm going to get some of this stuff and try it out. I'll let you know what I think.

2. Lavender Oil: Lavender is good for romantic moods as well as relaxation and anti-stress. I love Lavender. It is a cure all. It's good for sleep, the nervous system, pain relief, respiratory, skin and hair care, and insect bites and scrapes.

3. Peppermint Oil: He said that peppermint was one of the few oils you could ingest and it was good for indigestion, irritable bowel and diarrhea. I would add though that you should look into therapeutic grades before you would ever ingest an oil. The safest way to use essential oils I have listed below. Peppermint is also great for relieving headaches and waking you up.

Aromatherapy works by bypassing your cortex and going deep into the brain to work on your body. It’s been proven to boost the levels of dopamine and serotonin, the happy hormones. Essential oils were used for hundreds of years for medicinal purposes. It's been told that the perfumers centuries ago all escaped the plague during the epidemics because of the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties in the oils.

Ways to use aromatherapy:

1. You can spray or place drops on your pillow (choose a relaxing one like lavender so it can help you sleep.
2. Drops in the tub. I put hyssop in the tub. It is known for metabolizing fat. (yeah baby)
3. You can rub on your hands and inhale. You only need a little, remember this is going straight into your brain. Peppermint is good this way in helping with headaches.
4. Rub on your feet, especially if you are not crazy about the smell but would like the effects or a certain oil.

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