Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Eating breakfast helps control weight

Have you ever heard the saying, that you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. There is much truth to this wise old saying and turns out that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. 

I spent years wondering why I had a sluggish metabolism and shrugged off breakfast with the excuse that "I'm not hungry in the morning". Funny thing was, I seemed to make up for that meal later in the day. I am now a breakfast fan. I eat breakfast everyday. Today I had a 2 egg omelet with a piece of Ezekiel bread and strawberries, banana and orange slices. Here are some reasons from the Mayo Clinic Nutritionist, Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. on why breakfast helps you control weight:

1. Eating Breakfast reduces your hunger later in the day

2. prolonged fasting can increase your insulin response, which in turn increases fat storage and weight gain

3. People who eat breakfast tend to make healthy choices all day. Breakfast gets you making healthy decisions from the morning.

4. Eating breakfast gives you energy increasing your physical activity all day. 

When you skip breakfast, you are skipping nutrients and minerals that the body needs to function and work at optimum health. So have a great breakfast tomorrow morning!


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