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Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Less than 6 hours sleep linked to premature death

A recent study from Britain’s University of Warwick is saying that people who sleep less than 6 hours are more likely to die prematurely. “If you sleep little, you can develop diabetes, obesity, hypertensionand high cholesterol,” said Francesco Cappuccio, the lead researcher. The findings were published in the Sleep Journal. I find it ironic that the main researchers last name was Cappuccio, so close to the drink that used to keep me up all night. Well, anyway, I myself am a huge fan of 8 hours of sleep. There have been times in my life that I survived on much less, sometimes no sleep at all but I found that my body always paid for it, in lack of concentration, sense of poor well being or in weight gain. If you cheat your body of its needed sleep, there are consequences.

Here are some benefits to a good night sleep:

Heart Healthy- More heart attacks and strokes happen in the early morning. Lack of sleep can worsen blood pressure and raise cholesterol.

Beauty - Tissue repair happens during sleep including repair of skin damage by UV light.

Concentration- lack of sleep causes poor concentration and poor decision-making. Memories also are not formed well without a full night’s sleep (7-8 hours).

Healthy Immune System- When the body gets a good night’s sleep (7-8 hours) the body can fight off infections and disease better.

Happy- Not getting enough sleep can lead to a decrease in serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is the hormone that produces that happy well feeling.

Getting the right amount of sleep leads to mental clarity, feeling energized, and enhanced appearance as well as protection from heart disease and infections.

I will follow this blog with herbal and natural ways to get a good night sleep.

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