Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Avocados heath benefits, who would have thought it?

I have to say that this is just one of my favorite foods ever and the sad thing is I avoided it for years because I thought it would make me fat. The reality is avocados are high in monounsaturated fat which has been shown to cause weight loss. People who eat monounsaturated fats tend to eat less because they feel full. So order that avocado salad, or California sandwich without guilt and see some of the other health benefits of avocados such as these below:

1. Beautiful skin: Avocados are high in vitamin E which protects against many diseases but also makes the skin radiant and glowing.
2. Slow aging: Avocados are high in glutathione. Researchers are saying that glutathione is an antioxidant that slows aging as well as protects the body from all sorts of diseases.
3. Aids Nutrient Absorption: When eating a salad with an avocado the body will absorb five times the nutrients that it would without the avocado.
4. Prevents Disease: The antioxidants and nutrients in avocados help prevent breast, oral, and prostate cancer as well as lower cholesterol and prevent strokes.
5. Healthy Heart: The avocado has 23% of the daily recommended folate. The people who eat diets rich in folate have much less heart disease. Also the vitamin E and gluthathione are great for your heart.

The benefits to eating avocados besides being delicious are weight loss, beautiful skin, the slowing of the aging process, prevention of disease, super nutrient absorption, and a happy healthy heart.

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