Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Heart Healthy Lunch

My mom recently went through a heart event as we are calling it. She came home from the hospital a little over 2 weeks ago and I decided to make her 3 heart healthy meals a day. I pulled from my catering/restaurant experience and my passion for health and wellness and here is an example of a lovely lunch for mom and me alfresco.

To start with we have grilled wild caught Alaskan salmon with a lemon wedge. Mixed Green salad with dark greens, sliced Roma tomatoes, Kalamata olives, Chevre cheese, red onion and an olive oil vinaigrette dressing. Slices of orange wedges and a summer fruit salad that consists of sliced strawberries, diced organic apples, sliced bananas, crushed walnuts – mix and add cinnamon powder and heated raw honey. Place a few raw almonds on the side of the plate and you have a dish chock full of proteins, omega 3s, antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. A great delicious meal that doesn’t take that long to prepare that provides the body with the needed nutrients and has a great aesthetic value.

protein: building and repair of body tissue, it produces enzymes and hormones, regulates body processes and helps a person not become fatigued

omega 3′s: lowers triglycerides, prevents blood from clotting as to prevent strokes, helps lower blood pressure

antioxidants: best way to maintain good health, slow down oxidation which causes narrowing of the arteries, protects against cell damage, reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, healthy skin and a host of other amazing health benefits

Vitamin C (both oranges and strawberries): destroys free radicals, helps wound healing, collagen in bones, aids in the absorption of iron, boosts the immune system

Fiber: keeps weight under control by allowing the body to feel full, can prevent certain diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, diverticular disease, gallstones and kidney stones.

Be sure to be eating foods with these nutrients because no medicine compares with real food in prevention of disease.

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