Welcome to a Healthy Core

Living life healthily from the inside out in every realm of life. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Number 1 out of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight

 Number 1 out of 10 tips to transition to a healthier lifestyle and weight.

1. Upgrade what you drink: We drink liquids all day long and these drinks can add a ton of sugar, calories and dairy to our diet. Or we can choose to drink something that speeds up our metabolism, provides us with antioxidants and helps our skin look younger.

Change the way you think about giving up your drink. Instead look at it as a bonus, an upgrade to something better. Now you are drinking something that is refreshing and that will make you feel great, look thinner and younger.

However, be aware, the reality is that you will likely go through withdrawals when you give up soda and lattes for at least the first three days but the empty calories are not worth it in the long run.

Most sodas contain two of the worst enemies of your health which are high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners. A new study at Princeton University showed that rats who had access to high fructose syrup gained weight, belly fat and higher triglycerides significantly over those who had access to table sugar. High Fructose Corn Syrup was introduced into American culture in 1970 and since then our obesity rates have sky rocketed. I avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.  Moreover drinking diet soda is not beneficial for your weight and health either according to a study at the University of Texas Health Science Center, which showed showed people who drank diet soda put on more weight than people who drank the regular soda.  So if we eliminate drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners what is there left to drink? Plenty, look at the options below.

a.  Izzes are a great substitute for soda. an Izze soda is made with 100% natural juice and carbonated water and they taste delicious. You can also try making your own juice spritzer with apple, orange, pomegranate, or blueberry juice and soda water. Throw in a little lemon and it's a very refreshing drink.

b. Tea is a great drink full of antioxidants. I wasn't a big tea person but I have learned to love it and rarely put anything in it. Black and green tea are full of antioxidants and are great for speeding up your metabolism, keeping you healthy from degenerative diseases and helping you look younger. White tea is even better than black and green tea with less caffeine. However you lose most of the benefits when you add sugar and sugar substitute. Try Stevia in your ice teas and honey in your hot teas if you haven't been able to develop the taste for it yet. I also add coconut or almond milk to my hot tea. Very yummy.

c. Water. Yes, I went there. Come on guys, adults are around 55% to 60% water. Water speeds up the metabolism, detoxifies the body, hydrates our skin, protects our organs, and a host of other amazing things. Drinking lots of good water is essential to great health, losing weight and glowing skin. Be careful with drinking a lot of bottled water. If possible use a stainless steel water bottle. Plastic water bottles have been shown to carry BPA's (bisphenol A) which leads to cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. So, drink water out of a glass or a stainless steel water bottle when you can. Add some organic lemon to help alkaline the body. I try to drink 8-10 glasses a day.

d. Natural sodas like Jones. You can find these in health food stores and they are made with cane sugar. Cane sugar is still sugar but it's a million times better for you than High Fructose Corn Syrup or Artificial sweeteners.

e.  Teeccino is an herbal coffee which is very tasty and naturally caffeine and acidity free. Regular coffee in moderation is a healthier choice than soda as long as you leave out all the sugar, sugar substitutes and dairy. I generally will drink half a cup of coffee with a little coconut milk every day.

The more you drink healthy drinks, the more you will crave them. With anything you invest in, you will begin to enjoy more. You will find great benefits if you upgrade what you drink.

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